Monday, 23 December 2019

Iroquoia - Crawford Lake (106.7 km) to Mt. Nemo (93.0 km) - December 19th, 2019

Nine hardy hikers set off from Crawford Lake being Brian, Ron J., Isaac, Arpi, Madge, Annette, Ron B., Eric and Steve the photographer.  It was supposed to be -20 degrees with the wind chill when we started so we were all bundled up.  Luckily we didn't have much wind.

The streams weren't frozen over but it quickly became apparent that Icers were required.

Our Bridge Picture.  Ten photos taken and not a one where everyone was looking at the camera.

A tricky descent with all the snow.

Crossing Twiss Road

This tree has been ravaged by the woodpeckers with the trunk almost eaten through in the middle.

A brief stop on the trail.

Off down the trail again.

Down a slippery hill.

and back up again.

Finally elevensies!  Our leader needs a new watch.

Another tree that has been ravaged by the woodpeckers.

We begin the descent into the Bronte Creek Valley.

We reach the Valley floor and cross a marsh.

Crossing Bronte Creek
and my camera battery died so no more photos today but we all completed the next 5 km.

Friday, 6 December 2019

Dufferin - Hwy #86 15.2 km to BTC Parking 29.4 km - Dec 6, 2019

 Today's hikers, Arpi, Ron B, Ron J, Catherine, Brian, 
Steve our fearless leader and Case.
 It was like a winter wounderland


 There were a few challenging hills

 On the open fields we encountered blowing snow
 The two Ronnies ... sampling wild grapes

Catherine provided us with a "Rogues Gallery"

Friday, 29 November 2019

Toronto - Limehouse (21.5 km) to 27th Sideroad and 8th Line - Nov. 28th, 2019

It was a cool cloudy day as we started our hike with hikers Ron B., Ron J., Arpi, Eric, Annette, Brian, Karen, Case and Steve as photographer.  Unfortunately Case's camera was not charged and was left at home so the quality of today's photos would suffer.  We started in "Downtown" Limehouse (at least according to the sign  in the background) and headed across the bridge out of town.

After a short road walk we climbed up a small hill and entered a series of forest and fields with Drumlins being the predominant geographical feature of the area.

Following the switchbacks down the end of a Drumlin.

After another short road walk we climbed a stile and reentered the forest.

A happy group in our bridge picture.

Eric attempting a tricky crossing with Ron making sure the log doesn't turn while he crosses.

The boardwalks were wet and slippery.

The final few steps before the cars come into view.

but as we cross the final stream, is that gold glinting in the bottom?  Maybe we will come back some other time and find out.