Weather; lovely fall weather +/- 20C and sunny.
Actual Distance;
This is a makeup hike for Christine, Andy and Case
We left Oakville at 7 am and drove into fog on Hwy 10. Unfortunatey there was an accident just south of Orangevlle that resulted in us losingabout half an hour of hiking time.To save time Steve and Ann dropped the rest of the hikers off at the Devil's Glen Prov. Park to start their hike. They then proceeded to park the second car at the north end of the hike,returned to Devils Glen and struck out in 'Hot Persuit' to catch the rest of us.
Steve, Ann, Case, Andy, Christine Helgy and our leader Karen |
We left the parking lot and headed west about 50 m, turn left off the road following the edge of the escarpment were came upon this field of Milkweed going to seed. |
We soon came back out at Hwy 124 where we crossed the fence and the the highway. |
We hiked along the side of a cornfield then turned left into a hardwood forest |
Here we met a local porcupine taking advantage of the good weather. |
At km 32.7 the Trail turns right on to Concession 10 and we follow it for km 2.5. |
A beautiful 'Dry' Stone Wall' (no morter) |
Lovely renovated, stone, one roomschoolhouse. |
The Trail turned left and ran parallel to Simcoe Rd 91 |
We took a short side trail to look at an old lime kiln. Steve and Ann caught up to us at this point. |
Elevensies, every chance he gets Steve is busy studying for his Junior Hike Leader Badge. |
We arrive at the descent into the Standing Rock and Caves Side Trail. Standing on the rim, as evidenced by our shadows, we try to decide, who is going down first. |
Case on top taking a picture of Karen and Steve below taking a picture of him. |
The Walking Ferns are the ones with the solid fronds. |
We rejoin the main Trail at km 42.0 and descend to the 30/31 Sideroad. |
Crossing the 30/31 Sideroad the Trail continues north along the Blue Mountain - Clearview Townline to the top of the hill. It then turns left descending to the Pretty River.. |
Great blog, glad to see Helgy's Hill is now the official name of that section!