We encountered a group of hikers at Eugenia Falls who were part of the 50th Anniversary Bruce Trail Relay hike that was transiting a portion of the Beaver Valley that day. They had no time to admire Eugenia falls which had spectacular flows and even rainbows. We took the time.
The Trilliums were just starting to flower as we proceeded down into the valley.
We stopped on a hill to admire the view over an abandoned farmers field.
Stefan climbs the first of many Stiles that no longer had a fence to cross.
The first of many stream crossings today,
After all the rain the previous week, the streams were in full flood.
We stopped to admire Hoggs Falls which was also flowing strong.
Just up stream, the water was so calm and transparent there didn't appear to be anything over the stone bottom.
At the south end of the Valley, we stopped to check how far we have come and how much more to go.
Not so far now!
On our way out of the bottom of the Valley we encountered this guy stuck in a tree beside the trail.
But soon after, a much more attractive red Trillium.
We were soon back down to the river which continued to flow strongly.
We crossed a number of beautiful streams that were all flowing well making the rock crossings tricky.
This one is for you Ron! Not sure what this plant is but it appeared to have a small flower just about to bud at the tips of the stalks (sorry about the picture quality but I'm no Case).
A well deserved break by yet another stream.
We continued on through an open forest with the leaves just starting on the trees.
The Trilliums were open on this side of the Valley.
A view down the Valley. Is that a bird, a plane or UFO?
A panoramic view of the Valley.
One last waterfall and stream to cross.
I know the cars are around here somewhere. And they were, so it was off to downtown Meaford to meet the rest of our hiking crew for drinks and dinner,
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