The hike began at the south parking lot of the Bognor Marsh Conservation Area with the skies gray and threatening but the temperature was mild. We were hoping the hike would be 14.7 km but would discover due to a trail closure, we had to hike 17. 3 km.
Our hikers today were, Lesley, Fran, Annette, David, Eric, Stefan and Steve the camera guy in the absence of Case and as enhanced by Fran. The hike began with a crossing of a portion of the marsh on a floating bridge.
The boardwalk was in need of some repair but birds were every where.
The rain soon began but luckily it was only a light rainfall. Unfortunately previous rains ensured muddy trails through the marsh not surprisingly.
The rain soon stopped and the trilliums were in bloom throughout the hike.
Elevensies was a welcome break.
David found his son-in-laws homestead, maybe.
The trail passes some deep crevices but I couldn't get any volunteers to pose inside. Where is Richard when you need him.
The trail makes several climbs up and down the escarpment along this route with some spectacular views from the top.
The trail also winds through some interesting crevices.
Some crevices were tougher than others.

Nearing the end of the hike we passed what looked like an old lime kiln.
We soon reached the cars but along the way, despite our best wishes, the Main trail was still on a major diversion so we continued on the road for an additional 2.6 km to the start of the River Kwai Side Trail where we would start the hike the next day.
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