It was after 10:30 am by the time we had assembled in Shelburne raced through Owen Sound, dropped the end cars and scouted the drop-out points!
Leader extraordinaire, Karen and her new hip; Camera-person for the shot below. |
Todays' hikers: Annette, Ann, Eric, Bill, AnneMarie, David, Mike, Christine, Richard, Lesley, Fran, Helgy, Stefan and Steve (our leader).
The weather was warm but with some cool breezes off the bay.
The first part of the trail followed the clefts just below the escarpment.
Where we found some "Walking fern"
After about a kilometre of crevice walking the trail follows the escarpment edge with occassional look-outs over "The Glen".
Karen bushwhacks her way out from a lookout! |
At this point the escarpment started to exhibit some deep crevices running perpendicular to the edge.
Culminating in "The Gap" with it's side trail.
The trail then descended the escarpment and crossed a stream allowing for the mandatory bridge shot!
Through some swampy hay fields and out to cross Lindenwood Road the only one we even saw from start to finish.
Opps where's that snake! |
And so starts the last 6 k The trail follows the escarpment north with excellent views over to the bay and some interesting flora. |
Christine finds a rock with a "flat-top" |
Think Ron has identified this for us before |
A cabin in the woods! |
Dawson Road |
Interesting moss, Ron? |
Yellow Lady's Slipper (Cypripedium calceolus) (Me trying to impress Ron!) |
Finally the trail follows an old cart track deviates briefly to encounter a fallen tree and then finally descends the escarpment to Lundy lane.
Now why did we ;eave the cart track exactly? |
You sure we go this way? |
Are we there yet? |
At last the Cars! |
There to meet us as Richard completed the last part of his End to End was Pam with Bubbly!
Richard with "Master of tht Trail" sash as the celebrations go on late into the evening! |
Thanks to Karen and Steve for all the leading. And those that couldn't make it like co-conspirators Case and Andy. It's been a great walk!