We began the hike under beautiful conditions with a smaller but hardy group of hikers as some of the previous days crew opted for golf or an early return to Oakville.

The hike started with a trail diversion that resulted in considerable road walking.

Passing a well kept sheep farm.

After 4 km of road walking we entered the KOA grounds and took a well deserved break.

We soon entered the woods and passed a small stream.

The lighting was fantastic as we entered a red pine forest.

One for Ron!

An amazing patch of Queen Anne's lace I believe.
After a bit more road walking we stopped for elevensies and then we reentered the forest and climbed partially up the escarpment.

Large crevices had to be explored by a least a portion of the group.

A dead end I believe.

Can he fit through there?

The trail follows along the edge of numerous farms .

After a last km of road walking, the end is in site with an Ice Cream Shop no less for our weary hikers!

One last climb up Centennial Tower for a panoramic view of Owen Sound and then into the cars and home again.

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