WE began at Felker's Falls and hiked 7.5 km East to McDui Access Trail and then returned on the Dofasco Trail to Devil's Punch Bowl where we rejoined the main Trail and back to Felker's for a total 17 km hike.
There were twelve of us today with Doug, Catherine, Marleen, Barbara, Christine, Ken, Brian, Arpi, Sandra, Steve and Ann the photographer for this photo. Annette was MIA for the photo as she had made a diversion into Hamilton and arrived a tad late. Thanks to Ken and Doug for their photos and Ann and Brian for their stellar sweep as well as garbage collection. Between them and Doug, four bags of garbage were collected on today's hike with unfortunately plenty more to be collected after the winter season.
Off we went with the obligatory viewing of Felker's Falls.
For some reason a portion of the Trail was lined with construction fencing that helped us keep on the Trail.
Beginning to descend the Escarpment.
The Easter Bunny made an early appearance on the hike.
A portion of our hikers made a Covid safe stop for our Bridge Picture.
We approach the Devil's Punch Bowl.
The climb out of the Devil's Punch Bowl.
This was a little big for Brian's garbage bag but he tried.
Getting close to Elevensies.
We climbed up the Escarpment on Dewitt Rd to link up with the Dofasco Trail.
A melting Waterfall part way up with clear delineation of the various sedimentary rocks in the Escarpment.
A surprise find at the top of the Escarpment being the founding place of the Women's Institute.
On the Dofasco Trail
Looking into the Devil's Punch Bowl from the top of the waterfalls with the cross in the background.
Looking back at the Waterfalls across the Bowl with some hikers in the background.

View from the Cross over Stoney Creek towards Hamilton.
We return to the Main trail after descending the Escarpment again.
The last ascent and subsequent celebration.
On our way home.