Covid restrictions resulted in an extended pause in hiking and a relocation to hikes closer to home in Iroquoia versus Niagara. We hiked from Grimsby following the Main Trail to Cline Mtn Rd. S.T. and then returned on the Main trail to Adam Dopko S.T. down to Main St. which we followed back into Grimsby for a 12.5 km loop.
Thirteen showed up to hike this morning with Ken, Brian, Ann, Michael, Marleen, Doug, Arpi, Alex, Barbara, Christine, Sandra, Annette, and Steve. Social distancing didn't allow a close-up of the group.

Icers were required as we started up the Trail.
The hike began with a long climb up the Forty Mile Creek valley.
The Creek was running with Spring run-off despite the cold temperature this morning.
Reaching the top provides some satisfaction.
The Toronto skyline is visible across the Lake. Having reached the top we began a two km road walk.
Back on the Escarpment.
Beginning the descent which was treacherous with ice. No incidents were recorded here. Arriving at the bottom. Brian and Ann inspecting walking fern on a rock at the base of Escarpment.
Returning on the Adam Dopko Side Trail which turned out to be somewhat challenging with a lot of ups and downs but the sun was wonderful.
The Trail was somewhat a maze at times with lots of downed trees.
We finally reached the end of the Trail and Michael said it all with a quick break in a ditch in the sun.
The hike finished with an easy 2.5 km walk back into Grimsby. Just before reaching the cars, we passed this Anglican Church that was founded in 1794 and built in the 1820's.
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