We started at the intersection of 2nd Concession N and Sideroad 22 and hiked 14.2 km to Clearview Ct.
We were a group of ten today with Ron (photographer), Steve, Ken (photographer), Doug (photographer), Marleen, Arpi, Brian Nancy, Barbara, and Sandra all along. Boyd had to bail on today's hike as his car's key Fob suffered grievous injury from the rain the previous day. The weather promised to be much better today after continuous rainfall all night.
The hike began with a walk down 22nd Sideroad to the west.
The Trail turned off the road to enter a forest but first required jumping an overflowing ditch which we all managed to do with varying levels of grace.
We soon came upon an overflowing stream without a bridge or was there? Brian led one group of hikers across the branch lying across the stream while the rest moved upstream and hoped from rock to rock.
The crossing was soon followed by a steep descent where we all pitched in to help our fellow hikers. The hike leader went to the extreme extent of demonstrating what not to do by stepping on a wet root and sliding and rolling down the slope. Luckily only wounded pride.
Back to the mundane crossing of beautiful fields.

Many apples were picked today along the Trail.
Nancy exiting from the fields and a long road walk begins.
Streams were overflowing after yesterday's rain.
The sheep seemed happy especially when some of the hikers started talking to them.
The last bit of road walking.
Brian has spotted something. Maybe a way across the crevice?
Elevensies at last after Doug found an out of the way perfect log for us all.
Regrouping as we crossed a road.
A tricky descent.
The Trail was flooded through much of this section.
Nancy finding more apples.
Beautiful Zinnias by the side of the Trail.
Marleen and Brian by the Polish Soldier tree.